Friday, May 20, 2011

Just in time for the Rapture! The most important movie made, provided below.

Watch part one, and if you have time, watch part 2 about the Federal Reserve, and find out why we should end it. Did you know that the Federal Reserve, the institution that prints our money, sets monetary policy, and regulates the money markets IS A PRIVATELY OWNED BANK?!?!?! Nothing "Federal" about it, we are all debt slaves. Ever notice that no matter how much you make, you always seem to have the same amount?

Our country is like a boat full of zombies, mindless, only able to consume, walking in circles, on an endless, pointless journey, until they either consume each other, or die from exhaustion.

I love my family, I love my country, and I want my children to inherit a world worth living in,so you can either be a zombie, or you can wake up, and spread truth.

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